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Power of First Impressions

Over the years, social psychologists have proven that many elements determine our first impressions of people we just met. Characteristics such as clothing, hairstyles, accessories, conjointly with nonverbal communication and body language influence our subsequent attitude towards those people.

First impressions are also relevant in marketing and product innovation. That first impression consumers make from a new product can affect even if they want to move forward and learn more about the product.

The illustration below shows common Dimensions in Consumers’ First Impression of New Product Ideas

The Global leader in market research, Ipsos has conducted research to determine how first impressions data can contribute powerful insights to guide marketers to adjust communications and innovation itself to boost trials. Here their TOP FIVE TAKEAWAYS to make a great first impression and get a chance of a second date:

  1. Fulfil an unmet need - otherwise, consumers will see no need for your product or that there is nothing special

  2. Understand if there are any negative barriers - capturing positives is only half the picture. See the full picture to drive success

  3. Dress for success - Leverage your package and product design to differentiate yourself

  4. Be innovative -  it is not enough to be new, different or interesting. Meet an unmet need in a truly different way

  5. Be clear - insufficient information or vagueness will lead consumers to stay with the status quo

Team Contributor: Giannina Chiavetta
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